Wednesday, July 16, 2008

By the Numbers

Contrary to popular belief I have been sent to Dubai to do something other than shop, tour museums, snowboard, become a dunebuggy ace, ride dolphins, etc. This thing I'm doing in between fun is called...WORK.

Here's a By the Numbers snapshot of what will be accomplished for our client by the time the "training team"(read: me & the Canadian)finishes our 6 week tour.

2 custom interactive training programs produced
1 online help system created
350 page manager training guide written
60 page staff training guide written
83 separate topics covered
15 classroom classes taught (put on that Colgate smile!)
250 students trained

So there it is...that's what I do while I'm thinking of the next thing to blog about. :-)Hope everyone's having a great week!

1 comment:

Phelps said...

Yep, the Colgate smile is important when training, but MORE important is making sure your zipper is up!

Well... I guess that would depend on what you're training them.