Sunday, July 20, 2008

Bad Pickup Lines – Dubai Style

Let me share with you a Universal Truth...No matter where a girl goes, there’s gonna be a guy waiting to use bad pickup lines on her.

Some of my personal favorites on this trip are: - Oh, and yes...I realize there are only six instead of the usual "top ten" but really...after you've heard these you kinda stop listening:

6. Ahhh…you are a trainer? Want to be my teacher?
- Yeah…first lesson, how to shut up and walk away before I kick your @$$.

5. America? I love Americans…can I love you?
- Um, nope!

4. As a man, it is my duty to look after you. Please, walk in front of me so I can look after you.
- Ewww...walk away slowly and with your back in another direction!)

3. My wife, she needs a friend, will you be my new wife?
- Really? Cuz I think she might be the one who needs a little something “new.”

2. You are so bee-yoo-ti-ful, I thought you were Lebanese.
- Nope, sorry, I like guys. (There Doug, are you happy now? Your joke actually came true!)

And now for the most common and my all time favorite…(drum roll please!)

1. I respect women. If you were mine, I would DIE for you!
- Aww...aren’t you just the sweetest thing?! Now go stand over there with the rest of my kamikaze army to await your orders.


Doug said...

*dance dance dance*

Anonymous said...

So -
You are saying these are
BAD pick-up lines?
- Ray
Never tried any of THESE...

Anonymous said...

These are so classic! Thanks for the laugh.