Monday, June 30, 2008

Yes Virgina, there is a Harley Claus took me a couple weeks longer to find the Harley store than to find Ski Dubai, but I don't RIDE a Harley, so yer lucky I got there at there...neener, neener.

Historical Note: Harley- Davidson of U.A.E was established in 1989 in a small hangar at Abu Dhabi International Airport. The company has grown tremendously in the past 11 years to become the leading Harley-Davidson dealership in the Middle East, with two locations in the U.A.E. One of the largest exclusive Harley-Davidson stores outside of the United States is located on Sheikh Zayed Road in Dubai. (That's where I went.) It offers a full line of motorcycles, spare parts, accessories and high quality lines of Harley-Davidson clothing.

As those of us in the motorcycle community fondly say, "H-D doesn't stand for Harley-Davidson, it stands for Hundred Dollars!" I'm here to tell you the joke still stands here in the UAE. I just dropped 600 Dirhams in that stinkin' place... and let's review... I DON'T RIDE A HARLEY!

Stupid, stupid, stupid!

Ah...but a lucky few will have a fine gift coming to them when I get home. Hmmm...who should it be??? Operators are standing by to take your bribes, begs, and pleas.


Anonymous said...

It should be J and K. They "let" you borrow them so you can go play at the park without looking like that crazy lady who's stalking all the other kids. And then they "let" you take them out for pizza and pop and ice cream and "let" you give them back to me, all sugared up.

It should TOTALLY be them ;-)

Doug said...

Driving a Honda (and loving it!) so probably cannot legally own anything with the H-D logo...
So... Yeah....

Can you rent a bike out there? To go along with the CamelBall Run you can always run around on the HD and put new cool bugs in yer teeth.

Anonymous said...

And if you CAN rent a Harley in Dubai, would they rent one to a woman? In other words, would a woman riding a motorcycle (even if it is only a Harley) be acceptable in the UAE? Enquiring minds want to know . . .

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I didn't ride an H-D either when I went to great lengths to visit the opening of the first H-D dealership in Japan back in the late 1980s (I was also, at that time, getting paid to look good for international business relations.) Have to admit, it was a GREAT ironic joke for me to have an H-D tee-shirt in Japanese! So, drop the durhams, girl!

Taunya said...

Not only will they rent you a Harley, they offered me a discount BECAUSE I was a girl. Said it would be good for business if I wanted to ride around the city on a HOG, cuz it would be such an "unusual site." Now that's what I'm talkin' bout...Taunya's 2-wheel Freak Show! Excellent don't you think?

Doug said...

You must!!
(as was asked by another, there are no driving prohibitions?)

Phelps said...

I think you should bring a gift back for Hillary C.
Now that's she's out of the running for prez, she hasn't been in the news as much as she's gotten used to and could probably use a pick-me-up or a positive photo-op. Maybe even ride around Dubai sporting a Hillary '08 T-shirt. That might make the news.

Taunya said...

I think I'll leave Hillary out of this one. She looks like she could use a nap.

And no, there are no driving restrictions for women here. Actually, I usually win the arm wrestling contest with the Canadian for who gets to drive. ;-)