Here's what Google looks like when I want to look something up. Neat huh?
I think the Arabic language when it's written out is pure art. Something that's been put up everywhere to remind us of where we are and the culture we are being welcomed into for as long as we choose to stay.
Since there's nothing in this language that looks similar to our alphabet I have no markers to tell me it's anything other than beautiful.
That must be what it's like to be illiterate... Everything is just fun shapes and lines.
It almost looks like filigree.
Just be careful with your doodling. You never know if some of your scribbling could be saying something!
Are there any restrictions on what you are allowed to look up on the internet by their government?
Also, how much is gas over there?
I hope you are really enjoying your trip.
Yes, access to certain sites are blocked here in the UAE. Mostly it's stuff that's been deemed "indecent" or "politically undesirable."
Gas is CHEAP...we filled the rental car last night for 10 dollars and it was on E when we hit the pumps. NICE, to get it direct from the source, huh?
HOLY CARP!!! $10 American dollars!! I suppose the middle man is sort of cut out there...crazy.
Seriously, I share your love of the beauty of written Arabic. Wanna know what my fantasy is for my bedroom? As Taunya knows, we have this pseudo-Arab/bedouin bedroom theme going on. I'd love to pay a faux-finish artist and painter to create this Arab plaster wall texture with what looks like ancient, faded Arabic writing barely visible on the walls. And it would be religious calligraphy, the names of God or some prayer....I dream about it.
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