Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Everything I know about Dubai I learned from the Internet

Before I’ve even set foot on UAE soil, I have found out this much from my good friend, Google:

Drugs are Bad, Um…’K? – There is a 27 page list of all banned drugs in the UAE, on it are such things like Tylenol, all cold medicines, Prozac, and that little blue pill all the boys like to take. If you have so much as 3 poppy seeds on your person upon entry at the Dubai airport, you will be immediately sentenced to 4 years in prison…their prison, not ours.

Being left-handed is going to suck – I guess that’s my “bathroom business” hand in the Middle East, so I am encouraged not to use it for greetings (waving), touching, or eating. Since I do ALL of those things with my left hand, this should be fun!

BYOT - Speaking of bathroom business, I've been encouraged by both The Internet and some international traveller friends to bring my own toilet paper. Apparently, it's not always the "norm" to have it available and they charge you money per square to have it provided. YOWZA!

Being a woman doesn’t suck…as much - Contrary to popular belief, I don’t have to cover up in anything like a hijab or burka, so far I only have to cover my head if I go to the National Museum or the Great Mosque…and also long skirts are recommended to show respect at these places, but not required.

Hide the soles of your feet – I will need to remember that sitting with the soles of my feet showing is a universal insult. Something akin to telling people they are no better than the dirt on my shoes. Good note to self.

Yes, there IS a Holiday Inn Express, Dubai edition – And I’m going to see it first hand.

Israel does not exist – If you have so much as a stamp in your US passport that says you’ve been to Israel, you are not admitted into the country. Can’t we all just get along?

Buying gold at the Gold Souk is AWESOME! – You only pay for it by weight, instead of all the other artistry fees, taxes, etc. and bargaining is expected.

I leave on Thursday to start my adventure, so I guess we'll all see what turns out to be true and what's just Internet Hooey!


Anonymous said...

The shoes thing would be something I would have to think about every single minute.

Have fun travelling!!!

We'll miss you at the office olympics :-)

Oh, and please bring back a keycard for the Dude . . . he collects them ;-) He sorted them this morning . . . apparently we stay at the HI the most - he was amazed when I told him you were staying at a HI in Dubai :-)

Hey - at least he doesn't collect spiders!

Anonymous said...

I've always had a thing for the soles of your feet. :-)

Taunya said...

The dude will get his key card for sure...the spiders will have to stay in Dubai...shudder!

Taunya said...

Chu - you are a freak, and that's why we love ya!

Anonymous said...

You're a better woman than I. I have to admit: in Asia, I used my chopsticks with my left hand. Luckily, I'm so comfie with them that it genuinely seemed my hosts were impressed that the "Gaujin" could eat peas and rice with chopsticks like them, so they waived the horror of me using them leftie! (Thank God for my childhood days in San Fransisco, where my grandparents' Chinatown friends taught me to use chopsticks at the age of 4!)